Our DSI Elite Performers are not simply chosen for their results and ranking, we select them carefully for their innate potential, good character, enthusiastic following and unique charisma. Nothing gives us greater pleasure than accompanying talent along their journey, and seeing their potential being finally achieved and rewarded. We develop a strong personal & emotional connection with each and every one "willing " them to success. They are our very own DSI "performance representatives"!

Glenn-Richard Boyce & Caroly Janes

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Michal Le & Sandra Jablonska

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Massimo Arcolin

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Lloyd Perry & Anna Sloukova

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Ben Milan-Vega

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Adam Hathazi

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Vadym Pidhoretskyy

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Gustav Skovbon & Ella Perry

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David Cockram & Rosie Ward

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Sean Smullen & Aimie Leak

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Reagan To

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Petya & Anya Mott

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Luca Ivanets

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Charlie Jennings & Brooke Smith

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