The last year has been interesting for us for sure. We have managed to keep dancing by moving in with David’s parents and using their garage. It’s just about big enough for a natural turn or Feather Step! We have spent most of our days in there doing everything we can do stay motivated and to continue developing our own dancing. We’ve also used DSI TV a lot to watch past competitions, live streams and lectures to keep us inspired!
Outside of dancing, I used the extra time last summer to become a fully qualified Yoga Teacher. I have been practicing yoga for nearly a decade now and has always found it to be a great way to improve my posture, strength and flexibility, which has been incredibly valuable to my dancing. I always wanted to take the next step to becoming a teacher, but never had the time before, so previously planned to do this in years to come. Last year I utilised the lockdowns to achieve the qualification.
Since qualifying last October, under my new business “RoYoga Flow”, I have provided online Yoga Workshops for dancers at dance schools across the U.K and run regular weekly live classes for all levels. I have also provided various online Yoga and Breath work videos for Heavenly Dance Studios Hong Kong and Chair Yoga Videos for the Stroke Association. Most recently, I have been working with GAP to provide their employees with various Yoga videos and live classes throughout January and February, supporting the wellness of their staff through this difficult time.
David has mainly been my guinea pig and is now actively practicing yoga too, who knows... maybe you will find him in the splits warming up at a competition soon!
Rosie and David
To follow her on social media, Rosie’s Yoga Instagram is : royoga_flow and Facebook is : Ro Yoga Flow.