Featuring William Pino & Alessandra Bucciarelli
2 DVD set including English, German, Italian, Russian and Japanese
View & Learn about Bill & Bobbie’s legacy to the world of Ballroom Dancing from Oliver Wessel-Therhorn.
Learn what made him and countless others champions from the Irvines’ teachings, their hints, tips & tricks.
Oliver takes you through all the original principals of Bill & Bobbies teachings by explaining them and then having William Pino & Alessandra Bucciarelli demonstrate all the required movements. By having this visual addition to the book, it makes it even easier to understand what Is so important in Ballroom Dancing and what has stood the test of time.
On disc two you will find archive footage of Bill & Bobbie in action, a four dance demonstration, two dances are with music, two without. This is followed by Bill’s last lecture at the BDF congress in May 86 in Blackpool, on the evolutions of the Waltz & Foxtrot.